Tuesday, November 7, 2017

What is a Biblical Worldview?

There are many ideas of what constitutes a biblical worldview - more than one might think. Most books, articles etc. that put themselves forward as a biblical worldview are less biblical worldviews than presentations and defenses of what the authors believe to be a biblical worldview; i.e., views taken from the author's heads then studded with Bible verses  as confirmation.

I am a simple-minded person (a confession to which many who know me will add a hearty Amen) and, consequently, I am considered by some to be a bit reductionist. A biblical worldview, in my understanding and usage, is simply a view that sees the world as it is presented in Scripture. In short, the world was created by God who sovereignly rules every aspect of the world. For God, there are no random happenings and no surprises. It is from that perspective that I interpret the world around me.

Not everyone will accept that perspective (perhaps no one); nonetheless, that is the perspective from which I will make observations and from which I will form opinions. Those who disagree are free to leave the blog the same way they got into the blog; i.e. with a simple click. But I invite you to stay and perhaps learn why those with whom you are at variance think the way they think. Ignorance of those you oppose is becoming only of those whose goal is to run against windmills. Nothing is more dangerous than ignorance the ruminations of one's opponent.

What you will find here are my thoughts of the day; sometimes thoughts of the moment. Don't expect to find a series of blog articles any more organized than my mind which often begins on one subject only to get lost in a tangent thought. I trust, however, that by the grace of God you will find ideas here that will help you as you seek to form your opinions and of the world in which God has placed your and the responses that would be pleasing to Him.